
The Institue for Bibilical Learning, founded in January 2023, for the purpose of bringing sound bibilcal teaching to the Body of Christ had its small beginnings. In December of 2021, we began the Foundations Podcast in audio format placing the podcast on as many audio distributors as possible. The viewership steadily grew and grew. We watched as the Podcast was viewed not only all oveer the United States, but crossing the borders to Canada, some parts of Mexico, Brussels Belgium, London, the Phillipines and Germany. Steve started the podcasts, but soon was lead to reach out to his Pastor, Paul Vincent, to do the podcasts with him. Pastor Paul was happy to do so. As 2022 evolved, we began video taping the podcast and going "live" on Facebook. This brought about further viewership and we began to see the weekly viewship grow to where on an average basis, every 90 days, the podcast is reaching over 60,000 people. During 2022, we began to have seminars dealing with Bibilcal Foundations including "How to Effectively Study Your Bible", teaching the lay person how to properly read and interpret the Word of God avoid the trappings of "cherry-picking" scriptures. Our next seminar was "The Anatomy of the Christian" communicating how the Bible addresses the mind, heart, eyes, ears, mouth, hands and feet of the Christian and the instructions God gives us in those areas. 2023 will see our newest seminar "Back to Basics Bootcamp: Prayer" that will deal with all aspects of praying, how to pray at prayer meetings, the prayer closest, etc. Just after Thanksgiving in 2022, we began the Foundations Report, a 5ish minute audio "Christian Thought of the Day". We released teh Report on Facebook, Instagram and various audio podcast distributors. We are watching as the daily listeners are growing and enjoying the comments of how this quick bit of the Word is touching lives. At Christmas time, the program "Come Worship" premiered its Pilot Episode on Facebook and such and had a strong viewership rivaling the numers for the Foundations Podcast, our pioneer program.

Formation of the Institute for Biblical Learning

Early in 2022, Steve had a vivid dream of this team developing an Institute due to the conditions of the church and joining the fight to bring "straight teaching" to new and old believers. The name "Institute for Biblical Learning" was actually in the dream. After bringing this to the Foudnations team, we began praying for God's direction and if this was what He wanted. We were addressing Foundational Issues with the podcasts and seminars, but this would be an Institute dedicated to further expanding this effort through various means. In January 2023, the Institute for Biblical Learning was incorporated in the State of Texas, a board of directors named and paperwork drawn up for a 501c3.

The Foundations Network

In late 2022, we had an idea to develop a Streaming Television-Like Channel on the Roku platform. We heard that the Roku devices were in like 27 million households and this would be great to bring a new station with a variety of biblical baased content to these viewers. In January 2022, the Beta channel was developed soon to release for free in February 2023. This channel will bring the Foundations Podcast, Report, our new worship program "Come Worship", a new children's program "Yahweh Railway" begins development in February and more programs are in the works.




Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Steven Madden


Reverend Paul Vincent


Glenn Hawks
